Java Desktop for X Window

Copyright © 2001-2004 The JD4X Project
Refer to the GNU General Public License for more details.

How To Build Your Own Java Desktop Using JD4X.
We have written an entire separate set of documents just on helping others understand about JD4X's design, specification, extendsion and development. You will need OpenOffice to view some of these documents. You do not need to download the documentation package if you desire to merely extend the desktop. However, if you desire to develop your own Java desktop, then you will need to start reading and studying the source code on top of the documentation that we have provided. We recommend that you start with the Java end of the source code before proceeding to the C code because the C code may be more complex and less intuitive. Here are what is available to the developer in the documentation package:
For pure Java developers: If you only want to use and extend the JD4X system on the Java front end, all you need is a good grasp of Java and a good understanding of the JD4X design. You will be up and coding quickly by just reading the documentation that we have provided. The default Java desktop implementation will serve as a tutorial to help you understand the facilities that are currently available.

For JD4X implementers and porters: If you want to understand about the entire JD4X system, you will need to have intermediate to advance knowledge in the area of Java Native Interface (JNI), ANSI C, Java, X Window System, Linux and basic scripting including Makefile scripts. Here is a list of other additional documents that you may need in order to help you understand about the default JD4X implementation:
How To Setup The Original Development Environment From The Documentation Package
  1. Unpack the documentation package in your home directory and clean up.
    1. Command: gzip -d jd4x-doc.tar.gz
    2. Command: tar xvf jd4x-doc.tar
    3. Command: rm jd4x-doc.tar
  2. Before you move on to start hacking on the source code, check to ensure that you have unzipped the source tree in your user home directory. All existing scripts are configured automatically to your home directory and the entire source tree build depends on this assumuption.
    1. Command: ls ~/
  3. To compile the entire source tree from scratch, change into the jd4x directory and execute the make command. At this point you may wish to walk away and have a cup of coffee as it will take a while!
    1. Command: cd ~/jd4x
    2. Command: make
  4. The resulting binaries are placed automatically into the build subdirectory which is located in the jd4x directory. At this point you can either copy the new build over the existing one or zip up the build and distribute it. It is that simple.
  5. Two files are created in the build directory. The first file is the new zipped source tree. The second file is the new jd4x directory which will hold the entire new distribution binaries. The new jd4x directory found in the build directory is exactly the same as the one you downloaded from our web site.
  6. If you are building your own Java desktop and you have derived it from hacking on top of the default distribution, then all you need to do is to distribute the jar file (and not the entire system) that is created in the minor directory found in the new jd4x directory. That jar file is named defaultwm.jar, you can then rename it and put it into the minor directory of the original jd4x distribution (the original one that you downloaded from us and installed into your Linux system) to test if your hack works. Remember to change the file and other development information before you release it to the public because the original build have our names in it.
  7. Finally, we have worked hard to make things simple for you, so be kind and give us the credit for our work. We thank you in advance.
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