Java Desktop for X Window

Copyright © 2001-2004 The JD4X Project
Refer to the GNU General Public License for more details.

How To Configure The Desktop Frame Theme.
Users can now dynamically change the desktop frame theme of the default Java desktop. To learn how to customize your own desktop frame, please refer to the section on how to build your own Java desktop for more details.

Theme Editor
Default Theme Editor screenshot.

The default Java desktop has three build in themes that the user can choose from. The default theme for the Java desktop is the Aqua theme. To change to any of the desired theme, select any one of the theme labels. When a particular theme has been selected, it will look depressed (gray box). When the user configures a new setting in the editor, it does not directly take effect in the actual desktop until the user clicks on the Ok or Apply button to finalize the changes. If the Ok button is clicked, the changes will take effect on the desktop and the theme editor will be closed. The Apply button allows the changes to take effect but the theme editor will not be closed. When the user clicks on the Cancel button, no changes will occur to the actual desktop, however, the editor's selection panel will retain its current changes. The selection button will display the last selected configuration setting in the theme panel for viewing without committing the new changes to the current desktop. Once the changes have been committed by the user, all frames viewable on the desktop will be automatically randered to the new theme. Changes will be done desktop wide so that the desktop look remains consistant throughout all workspaces.

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